It’s about time we got one of these for the prudent tax payers of Sioux Falls!

There will be 93 items on the city council agenda Tuesday night, including many abatements.

In the interest of that, six city councilors and one school board member will be having equalization meetings next week when it comes to property taxes. Councilors are asked to serve on this board and REQUIRED to do so, but somehow two councilors (one of them who is in leadership) conveniently got out of it. Funny how it coincides with their vacations. Things that make you go Hmmm.

Land Use Committee

Annual Development Summary (there was NO docs attached)

City Council Informational (once again no supporting DOCs posted yet)

Fuel Control Audit

SculptureWalk 2017

Code Enforcement 2016 Annual Report

Sioux Falls Thrive (I’m sure is the similar presentation Candy did for the Minnehaha County Commission)

Regular City Council meeting

In the Approval of contracts, I saw our annual contribution to the Sioux Falls Arts council of $47,000 (which I support) but I find it ironic that we had a good thing going with the SE Arts Council at the Horsebarn and we pulled that funding (which was less) and had a lot of great programs going thru that building that were FREE to the public. Now we are subsidizing a butcher shop museum at Falls Park that is NOT free to the public. Let’s talk about our arts funding priorities.

In the same Approval of contracts we have $1.6 million going into the Convention Center. Pretty amazing right after we just spent $100 million on a new events center.

For Parks and Rec they are getting a Snowcat Groomer (which I have no idea what that is) but she’s spendy, $300K

There are many tax abatements and 1st readings for ZONING items. Looks like a very long meeting, would have been a good time to take a vacation if you were a councilor, oh, that’s right two of them are.

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “Sioux Falls City Council update (3/21/2017)”
  1. $300,000 Snowcat Groomer.

    Sounds like something Dan Grider ought to purchase on his own!

  2. Kind of thinking the same thing since the Bear was open about 40 days this past winter. Amazing isn’t it. It will cost us about $1.5 million to run the indoor pool, $300K for a machine we will use about 2 months out of the year, yet the Parks department is making ‘cuts’. To what?!

  3. What snow? Some day the city will realize Great Bear should have always been a gravel pit. Here’s my forecast for the next 10 million; a garage to park and permanently display the Snowcat Groomer and Police MRAP. When there’s waste like this, there should be a permanent museum. A place where something gets parked, not another empty parking garage downtown.

  4. CSSD-

    The city buy something used? LMAO!

    When Pat Costello was council chair he questioned why the parks and public works department didn’t get more life out of vehicles. He said, “You always know if it is either a private contractor or a city worker fixing the street. The private contractor has a scraped up truck with dents in it.”

  5. I’m still trying to figure out what exactly the Sf Arts Council does…about 5 years ago, I saw some programs and attempts made by the arts council, but since then-crickets.

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