Matt Tobias, Code Enforcement Czar will give his Annual Report Tuesday to the city council at the informational meeting. I will say this about Matt, I like his approach to code enforcement and by looking at the numbers it looks like he is taking a ‘softer’ approach. But there is a ton of work to do. I hope when the NEW administration takes over in 2018 they keep Matt on board and do a complete overhaul of code enforcement (Making it constitutional and all).

While they often brag over 90% compliance, it seems they struggle with collecting fines. You can see the full document here (DOC: code-enforcement)

3 Thoughts on “2016 Code Enforcement Annual Report

  1. The D@ily Spin on March 21, 2017 at 8:40 am said:

    The report tonight should reveal that the city has been using unsubstantiated fines to supplement revenue. I disagree with you about Tobias. He’s just another bouncer like Hartman. A better person for code enforcement would be an intelligent diplomatic responsible person. This is a good post for a woman or minority with a background in real estate law.

  2. No more annanomous reporting and this list will be cut in half

  3. The D@ily Spin on March 21, 2017 at 2:47 pm said:

    Anonymous reporting is when the mayor wants you harassed. Most neighbors will not report their neighbors. Nobody likes a snitch. Also, if a report is false, you can be sued. The city says they are the accuser and keeps the complainant confidential. You’re not faced by your accuser and the case is dismissed. When this happens, the violation becomes a permanently accepted zoning exception.

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