The sculpture, known as In Variete Concordia (origami cranes) is secure and in the city possession.  There is currently a plan to place these sculptures at the Orpheum Theatre. As you can see though from reading the minutes that it seems all that remains is the Birds. The frames must have gotten damaged.

This plan was considered at the 2-1-2017 Orpheum Theatre Advisory Board of Directors meeting.  The minutes of that meetings are available here: (DOC: 02-01-17-orpheum-mins-1)

It seems like the Statue of David, once a piece of public art is moved for construction projects it will take several years and some needling to get the city to pull it out of storage. I believe the city paid over $30K for the original sculpture. It was placed in storage after Stockwell Engineers bought the land to build their ugly rectangle building on Falls Park Drive. While I may be indifferent on my opinion of the piece, I do like it’s uniqueness and could fit in well within any park in Sioux Falls or public space.

My suggestion would be to place it in the refurbished Van Eps park on the East border facing West. Speaking of Van Eps, drive by sometime. It looks like the city had NO CHOICE in refurbishing Van Eps since the construction of the UNNEEDED and GROSSLY EXPENSIVE Romantix Annex Administration Building, they are using the park for a place to store piles of dirt.

Either way, curious just what are the plans for the Sculpture.

9 Thoughts on “UPDATE: So where is the Origami sculpture?

  1. anonymous on March 27, 2017 at 5:49 pm said:

    The cost of the sculpture was closer to $75,000.

    I believe when they tried to remove it, it was destroyed.

    The Stockwell Building and Craig Lloyd’s Uptown Lofts certainly add nothing architecturally to enhance Falls Park.

  2. William Hansen on March 27, 2017 at 9:00 pm said:

    I saw them at the City Land fill about a year ago.

  3. That’s interesting, because over a year ago, a councilor told me they were in storage. Even if the city didn’t want them anymore, you would think they would have auctioned the piece. I’ll keep asking.

  4. I have asked several times during City Council public input where the artwork is. It seems to have disappeared. There have been cringes as I have asked so maybe Community Development or Don Kearney needs to come clean?

    Remember this is the land where the The great Sioux Falls City Attorney who was named #1 manager of the year last year used White Out to fix the land sale documents. A real class act?

  5. The D@ily Spin on March 28, 2017 at 7:03 am said:

    The Statue of David is a symbol for Sioux Falls. I’ve seen it published for local promotions. It represents the arts and culture here. We’re more than credit card cubicles. It would be profound if the next mayor reinstalls it as part of his/her platform. It’s time for redemocratization and social reform Huether tried to erase. Thank God for term limits. Veto That!

  6. The D@ily Spin on March 28, 2017 at 7:09 am said:

    Move Muffler Man to Huether’s castle near Madison and use David to symbolize our plight seeking resurgence of constitutional liberty?

  7. It’s too bad that the sculpture ended up at the dump. Because those “zeros” could have came in handy in keeping track of all of the Trump political successes….

  8. William Hansen on March 28, 2017 at 8:42 pm said:

    It was at the dump with the old refrigerators and grills waiting to go for scrap. It’s worth about 50 cent a for every pound.

  9. The D@ily Spin on March 29, 2017 at 12:19 pm said:

    The zeros symbolized the analogue that is Huether one world government. Other cities may have something like it but with some ones to bring themselves into the digital age. Maybe it’s zeros Huether will add to the debt before the end of his term.

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