Today we will look at the city council employees.

Of the 8 employees in the office (besides the 8 city councilors), there are 3 internal auditors, a city clerk, and two assistant clerks, an operations manager and a budget manager. Not including the 8 city councilors (They make around $18K each), the salaries equal over $500K.

While I find nothing controversial about the salaries to the assistant city clerks and internal auditors, I do have some concern with the City Clerk ($83K) The Operations Manager ($97K) and the Budget Analyst ($80K). Before Debra Owen was terminated she wore all three hats and was making around $70K. Not only did it take three people to replace Debra, apparently it also took an extra $190K a year in salaries. When Owen left I remember a couple of city councilors (who were adamant about firing her) telling the public that they would be ‘saving’ the tax payers money. Not sure what calculations they were using?

My suggestion would be to combine the Operations and Budget position, and hire a city clerk with a law degree and license to practice so they can confidently give the council a 2nd opinion on matters. I know that Debra had a law degree and used to help advise the council on many legal issues.

Here is the full doc: 2017-Wages

By l3wis

3 thoughts on “2017 City Salaries; City Council”
  1. Michelle Erpenbach, City Councilor/Central District, was heavily involved in the termination of Debra Owen.

    On a personal level, I am a homeowner in the Central District. I am one of three advocates who worked with several Councilors to retain free and reduced swimming for low-income individuals and families (when our esteemed mayor wanted all subsidized swimming eliminated!). I sent Councilor Erpenbach several invitations to meet with us during this time, she never responded to a single one.

    I hope her recent announcement that she will not be running for the open mayoral seat means she is permanently exiting from local politics.

  2. Debra Owen is missed professionally, economically, and personally. Terminating her was Mike Huether’s worst two terms mistake. Her departure was the landmark for Sioux Falls decline relative to debt, crime, and corruption. There’s no return to the days of wine and roses. Huether will leave us permanently injured but let’s hope real leadership from future mayors will bring us out from the deep and prevent further decay.

  3. A better term for the City Clerk, Operations Manager, and Budget Analyst is Mafia Lieutenants. It’s criminal how the city went from an 80 million debt to half a billion. The City Clerk should have been terminated when he didn’t provide the correct petitions form for the 6400. Huether is the Operations Manager and Budget Analyst. Operations, what operations? Budget is spend until you’re overextended. If we’re playing socialism, play socialism. Get rid of all the political appointments that hide you from blame.

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