While there is only 6 employees in the Economic Development office, salaries add up to over $500K. Even the lowest paid employee of the department, the administrative assistant, makes over $49K a year. The department seems management heavy.

What surprises me about the department is how slim it is on office staff. I think the department has become very ‘tight’ or should I say ‘tight-lipped’ since Huether has become mayor. I guess the fewer people in the department, the less likely there are leaks.

Here is the full doc: 2017-Wages

One Thought on “2017 City Salaries; Economic Development

  1. The D@ily Spin on April 13, 2017 at 7:31 am said:

    What economic development? Look at the empty store fronts and sales tax decline. During Huether there’s not been a major employer come to town and several have left. These posts have become political appointments with no responsibility. There’s lots of these a new mayor will cut to help bring the budget under control so bond payments might be made.

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