Besides Stehly, many of the public in attendance gave several reasons why this legislation is a good idea. Stehly even repeated herself several times to the board that this is NOT ABOUT THE CURRENT BOARD or their performance this is about the future growth of the city.

They didn’t get it. At all. Straight over their heads.

When it was time for them to testify as to why they were opposed to the legislation, I waited in anticipation to hear something NEW as to why they may be against it besides the fact that they think it would hurt diversity. So what was the resounding argument from board members?

Why you picking on me?

They repeatly made it sound like this was attack on them, their volunteer service and their stellar qualifications. Just like the video recording ordinance, the board was quick to say they are personally being challenged.

• None of them are mentioned in the ordinance change.

• None of them would lose their seats.

• Professional or Personal qualifications are not mentioned in ordinance change.

There is only one change in the ordinance; FUTURE members going forward through 2024 will have to represent a geographical area.

Does that seem like a personal attack on current members? Not at all. No one today testifying said the board wasn’t doing their job. It just seems like their lilly-white positions are being threatened and they don’t like it. Like the group-thinkers they are, they all pulled out their rubber stamps and voted against Stehly’s proposal. Doesn’t matter though, she will still bring it forward in August, and if it fails she will bring it again next Spring when the new mayor and council are in office. It’s not going away.

2 Thoughts on “Sioux Falls Parks Board Oblivious to the intention of the Districting Ordinance

  1. Not really germane, but oh well, I think the School Board should be divided into representative districts too…
    And that might be one creative way to get a “Voting Center” up in the northwest end of the school district as well….

  2. I attended yesterday’s Park Board meeting.

    Their ‘group’ response to Councilor Stehly and the citizens in attendance actually proved the point of the proposed ordinance.

    I attended Park Board meetings monthly for 7 years. I think part of the reason they appear to regularly participate in ‘group think’ is that almost all discussion occurs in their committees during the month prior to the Board meeting. What you see at the actual Board meetings is very superficial discussion and then they announce their decisions. They abide by South Dakota Open Meetings law, but their committee structure is protected by state law and allows them to rarely be transparent. The only real exception I ever saw during those 7 years was at their annual Work Sessions.

    This is an important change which is being proposed by Councilor Stehly and it would not only enrich our park system, but would insure that all citizens of our community are represented on this very important Board.

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