Recently there has been several ads in the Argus about their proud sponsorship of the Arc of Dreams and the NEW design, but zero information about why the design has changed.

Hello? Anybody?

UPDATE: As I suspected it had to do with the wind’s affect on the sculpture. I would like to thank artist Dale Lamphere for coming clean on the design change. Remember folks, art is fluid.

I pointed this out when the sculpture was first announced almost a year ago;

1. Since the large structure does not connect in the middle, there could be issues with it’s weight when it comes to high winds and counter balance.

I find it ironic, just like my badgering about how SculptureWalk was juried, funded and insured, they slowly made changes to it. This time it only took them a year to wise up to the fact that the wind would blow it down. SW really needs to start paying me for my consulting work instead trying to get me fired from my job for writing letters to the editor about ugly goose sculptures.

By l3wis

11 thoughts on “UPDATE: More Silence from the Arc of Dreams”
  1. Me either, like I said before, I think they had to ‘fix’ the structural integrity and create wind flow. But as I have also said, there has only been crickets about why it changed.

  2. Again, this reminds me of Saddam Hussein crossed swords. If it’s built, it’ll become a symbol of Huether’s oppressive regime.

  3. it’s now the same design as the arch in the bob’s farm service commercial that airs during good morning keloland.

  4. It’s gonna be easier to hook chains to when we pull it over with the Road Grader and Jesus Snowplow.

  5. “Also, if it is going to be built it should be in a different location. Too much going on at that location.” Spot on, Anonymous 2. I’m rarely at this location, but attended Riverfest last night & walked on the footbridge over river to the south of the amphitheater. Both the before & after artist’s concept renderings of the crossed swords ignore the presence of the existing very substantial walk bridge! The addition of this ill-advised “sculpture” would put two (bridge & “sculpture”) architecturally dissimilar but spatially similar spans across the river when viewed from either the 6th St. or 8th St. bridges (the way most passers by would view both), no? This would detract from both, would it not?!!!

  6. The heck with the location or the look of the project. While I commend private individuals funding public art, I think they put all of their apples into one basket. Instead of spending a cool million on ONE project (that we don’t need) and giving it to ONE artist, why not have a million dollar fundraiser to fund like 200 projects from 200 artists. I just think that this is just a gigantic wasted opportunity of a million dollars towards public art.

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