Did you know the City Council under Mayor Huether’s reign has passed over 300 ordinances (excluding zoning and planning).

I finally finished my review of these ordinances over the long weekend and will be sharing these revealing numbers with you soon. If you like government creating new regulations, rules and fee increases, you will like the results. If you think our city government should be a citizen advocate, you may be very disappointed in the numbers.

I will share those numbers this week, stay tuned.

One Thought on “Coming Soon; An Sioux Falls Ordinance Review

  1. The D@ily Spin on September 6, 2017 at 2:20 pm said:

    I’m reminded of mayor Ray Nagin (New Orleans). He’s still in prison for post Katrina contracts fraud. His number was $190k. Huether is far worse. Where’s the DOJ and FBI? He doesn’t have a political party. Time to take him down.

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