2 Thoughts on “JANUARY 21, 2008 – Roger Hunt: Reproductive Fascist

  1. This rememinds me of a gas station incident last week!

    Some kids were buying condoms and the teller turns to her boss and asks (rather loudly); “How old do you have to be to buy condoms?”

    He looks at her as if he just realized she had sprouted a third eyes and says; “GEEZ! There’s no age limits on condoms! Sell ’em! I’d rather they bought ’em than have ’em breeding like frickin’ rabbits!”

    Not much to do with the topic, but *I* found it humorous…remember, if people outlaw sex, only outlaws will have sex!

    Which is pretty much how it is now.

  2. “if people outlaw sex, only outlaws will have sex!”

    LOL! How true it is!

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