I thought this was a wonderful historical perspective on the coliseum. This is the kind of programming CityLink should be doing instead of mayoral propaganda.

By l3wis

2 thoughts on “This is what CityLink is supposed to be doing”
  1. I miss democracy. It was a time when we weren’t subjects to the king. A time where everyone was proud of where we live. A time when our taxes were not used for entertainment for the rich. A time when police were proud because they got raises along with directors and other city employees. A time when commissioners listened to the public and reacted. A time when the petition process meant something. A time when you voted for multimillion dollar projects and election practices.
    Is it time for constructive demonstrations? Why am I white but feel DACA or a minority. Are we citizens or migrants who will eventually leave to places such as Brandon, Canton, or Tea?

  2. What were they thinking? Think how much richer and better off we would be today had they named it the Manchester Biscuit Coliseum and then later on the John Morrell Arena….. Thank goodness today, that we live in a world were corporate identity and say is far more obvious and blatant…. Because these honest realities make us far more freer and hopeful in today’s world, right? 😉

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