Scented Candles are always nice especially if they are given with this. Just let the ladies tell you for themselves.

Finally late night television is advertising something besides that stupid Obama plate.

By l3wis

10 thoughts on “Guys; Valentine gift ideas that aren’t ‘Clunky’”
  1. The other thing that made me laugh about the ‘testimonials’ is how men and women define words differently. Men describe ‘clunky’ as something that is junky or doesn’t work, like a car. Women describe ‘clunky’ as something that won’t fit in their purses.

  2. Reminds me of the ad Annabelle’s ran in Scrounge. That one might be better to post closer to V-Day.

  3. I like it when the older MILF in the testimonial says, ‘Obscene’. If she thinks a dildo is ‘Obscene’ what does she think of what a penis looks like? Geeez, talk about a fuddy-duddy.

  4. She’s probably never seen one and only has sex under the sheets in the dark, and only on his birthday.

  5. Are you trying to tell me that some of those vibrators aren’t obscene? What is natural about an 18″ purple gelatinous vein ridden penis shaped piece of electronics?

  6. Obscenely large – certainly. But I don’t see why they’re offensive.
    Maybe someone has a pet blue whale that needs a little lovin’.

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