Another failed weather forecast

I’ll have to admit, I was pretty surprised that the RCJ has featured me a couple times this past month, and though I may act like a media whore, ever since my blog has become one of the most read political blogs in SD, I really don’t care who gives me coverage. But why does the SD MSM continue to snub me? Sure, I slap their balls around as much as possible, but you would think this would chide them to get me in the ring. Nope. And my fellow bloggers don’t help much either. It’s always the same old parade of bloggers who give the PC version of how Bush was an idiot, Rounds is a failure, Thune is a hero, blah, blah, blah. How about a satirist’s view? Seriously? I know your viewers can handle it, they laugh every time your weather forecast is completely wrong, which is quite a bit.

But, as we know from our experience with a retired TV journalist(?) in the blogoshere, trying to be funny, the SD MSM doesn’t have a clue.

Another, sleepy, boring night in KELOLAND.

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “South DaCola snubbed again”
  1. Some friendly advice: Call Beth Hughes at KELOLAND and ask her to consider you the next time they do a show like this. Take some initiative rather than just bitching. Sometimes you can get more with a smile and snarky drawing than a snarky drawing alone.

  2. First off, I check my stats everyday, DWC and Kelo combined give me about 20% of my daily traffic, the rest is random searches and searches for my name and SouthDaCola.

    As for contacting Beth, Todd. I got an email from Jayne Andrews awhile back, as I’m sure you did, and I repsonded by saying it would be my pleasure to appear on KELO ANYTIME. No response, not even a ‘Thank you for your interest.’ I’m not blaming you Todd, I’m just saying it seems the MSM, not just KELO, takes the easy road and contacts the same old people instead of getting varying opinions and perspectives. It’s this blatant laziness by the MSM that has gotten them in trouble to begin with. You and me both know that if it weren’t for the Live Doppler Nine Million that KELO’s ratings would be the same as the other stations. They’re main business is scaring old people, and they know they will tune in to see when the sky is falling.

    So I have made my ‘attempts’ but I’m not an asskisser, I volunteer my time to South DaCola and it doesn’t mean two shits either way if I get face time. It would just be nice if the MSM in SD would once in awhile present a different perspective on politics, and I think I fill that gap.

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