She better get something bigger than a donut bucket and shovel.

“. . . I’m ready to keep cleaning up crap and doing business with an entrepreneurial spirit as mayor.”

She said this in a ‘tongue & cheek’ way in front of city hall with the mayor’s office in the background and her poop cleaning boots on. Are we going to see some more edgy videos from Jolene?

By l3wis

8 thoughts on “Loetscher wants to ‘clean up the crap’ at city hall”
  1. Someone needs to do a video with a loud cycle in the background and make mention of cutting out the useless noise of City call

  2. A battle of the marketeers (Ten Haken v. GoJo).
    Where are Entenman and Jamison? They won’t be able to come close to the energy of the two younger folks.

  3. Muck boots and swamp draining attire should be dress de jour for elections at all levels of government in this state.
    I’m a Repub, but not sorry to see guys like Corker and Flake departing at the federal level.
    The electorate needs to bring the pressure of accountability to bear in our state government [and local gov’t in the City of Sioux Falls].
    We would beneficiaries of departures from our state government similar to Corker and Flake from the federal gov’t.
    Sunshine and accountability – two things the creatures of the government swamp do not like.

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