Here we go again, the mayor’s administration and his enormously talented and very transparent team has farted around for 9 months on a parking ramp that hasn’t gotten city council funding approval yet. Now they want to lay it on the council right before the end of the year and ramrod it through;

The City of Sioux Falls is excited to unveil the design and announce project details for what will be an iconic and striking landmark for the downtown skyline. With City Council approval, the mixed-use parking ramp project will break ground in spring 2018.

We still have some questions about this proposed ‘iconic’ landmark.

Will we still be using the 2nd Penny as collateral though this is an enterprise fund project?

Who are the investors?

What will be the cost per parking space? If the city is investing $18 million on this ramp, will we get our money’s worth on the spaces?

While we could go on and on about a lot of issues with this project, the biggest is the lack of transparency. The administration has been working on this for 9 months and they spring it on the council like some surprise early Christmas gift.

I don’t trust the Liar in Chief and his shady directors with their back door deals. The council needs to vote down this project based on that alone.

6 Thoughts on “Downtown Parking Ramp; Let the Ramrodding Commence

  1. An “iconic and striking landmark” parking ramp?

  2. The D@ily Spin on November 13, 2017 at 7:29 pm said:

    I appreciate your perspective. This is not about intelligence. It’s a narcissist mayor who needs trounced down from 5′ to 4′. His time is over. Time for repairs.

  3. Still waiting to hear the final results of the OSHA report!!

  4. Still waiting to see the list of investors involved in this PUBLIC-private partnership!!

  5. Nothing like a good ramrod.

  6. My Mistake Mike on November 14, 2017 at 12:23 pm said:

    What’s the hurry? This needs to delayed for the next Mayor and Council to determine best use for this site. This is a prime piece of property – on one hand a gateway entrance into downtown, on the other hand a site with a grand view of the BSR greenway. A prime, one-of-a-kind site.

    River Road needs to be closed and incorporated into this project to give it full use of the river frontage for hotel and/or residential. Parking should be a secondary concern with this project, not the other way around.

    The Community Mosaic could be relocated as a retaining wall on the Greenway north of 6th Street adjacent to LSS.

    Besides, the SW corner of 8th & Phillips still makes more sense for a parking ramp (with street-level commercial) that could also serve the nearby Levitt Pavillion by evening and the needed office/business party by day.

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