I will be talking about loads of city business, tune in to find out. REPLAY HERE.

By l3wis

One thought on “UPDATE: Guest on KSOO AM 1000 today, 4:15”
  1. Just listened to the interview. Good points Scott. There is just no way tax payers should be asked to pay an extra ten million to very literally pay for the legacy hotel foundation issue of being built on top of a parking garage. This should be hit hard by the 2, maybe 3 councilors who will be asked to vote on this. Patrick says so what, it will be paid down by user fees. I say not so fast. By merit of the 4.3 million reseve fund being depleted to zero, we will also have to pay off a 16 million dollar bond, supposedly by user fees. The only way that can happen is to significantly raise lease rates, which have already risen by 30% in the last two years. This will only set off a mass migration of city leased parking to the myriad of private parking options available downtown.

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