Once again the mayor’s cheerleaders come out to brag about breaking another building permit record this year. I have often argued that we shouldn’t be counting public projects because that is an expenditure to taxpayers, and NOT and economic booster. For instance, the administration building will cost taxpayers $1 million a year in mortgage, in essence to solve a $100K lease payment we had. This is $1 million we are taking away from our road funds.

Just in the top 15 projects we had almost $28 million in public projects.

I think it should be broken down into 3 categories;

• Private for profit/housing, etc.

• Private non or not for profit (Hospitals for example)

• Public (City, County, School District, Higher education)

What do you think? Should public projects be included?

One Thought on “Should Public Projects count towards building permits?

  1. The D@ily Spin on January 6, 2018 at 4:10 pm said:

    And there’s the building permits issued but retracted like the house at McKennon Park.

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