You may know Mr. Hurlbert from the Rock Garden Tour radio program, or as a local architect, but now he wants to be on the city council;

“As an architect, I listen to my clients and deliver solutions,” he said. “As a member of the city council, my clients would be the citizens of Sioux Falls.  I want to listen, build consensus, be transparent, and deliver solutions to make our city even better.”

Not sure why Tom would want to fiddle around in a crowded race that will only result in a runoff anyway when he could challenge Erickson instead, avoid a runoff and have a very good chance of eliminating Ms. Flip-Flopper from the city council.

Tom can be a little on the odd side, but I think that has more to do with his sense of humor, but he is super smart and well versed in politics and social issues, he will make a great city councilor if he succeeds.

4 Thoughts on “New candidate for Sioux Falls City Council should be running against Erickson instead

  1. The D@ily Spin on January 17, 2018 at 12:29 pm said:

    Agreed, he should run against Erickson. It’s a guaranteed win.

  2. Someday told me today they were surprised Tom listed the BID board since nobody has seen him attend the meetings.

  3. I posted a comment on Wednesday – what happened to it?

  4. MW – if comments go into my spam folder, they get deleted. It happens a lot especially if you have a hyperlink.

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