This is a question that probably rarely comes up during the mayoral forums, but some wonder how management staff would change under a new mayor.

Let’s face it, a new mayor will replace people with people they can trust, they may also add staff.

What would I do if I became mayor?

Let me start with who I would add.

I would probably only add one staffer, but they would wear many hats. I would hire a person to be my executive assistant. But I would make them in charge of public relations, marketing and communications. They would also be tasked with making the city more transparent.

Who would I replace?

City Attorney. I would actually probably cut the city attorney office down to two attorneys and support staff. I would also encourage the city council to hire their own attorney.

Parks Director. While the current director has probably handled growth well, he has been caught up in way to many schemes and lies. He has to go.

Police Chief. I probably wouldn’t terminate the current police chief, but would demote him. I would do a national search for a chief that has experience with fighting drug crimes and gang activity. I would also task them with diversifying our police department.

Finance Director. I would bring in someone who wants to save the city money while directing more tax dollars towards public services.

Central Services and Health Department. Simply because they are Huether puppets that have done a horrible job. I would have the Health Department team up with the SFFD to start exploring a public ambulance service.

Planning and Community Development directors. While I would replace the Planning director flat out, I would probably work on repurposing the community development office and affordable housing and make it more neighborhood focused and less big development.

I would hire a receptionist that has a sense of humor and takes no flack.

Obviously there would be other staff changes, but these would be the major ones.

3 Thoughts on “Who should the new mayor replace?

  1. Thomas on February 9, 2018 at 2:22 am said:

    Are you saying that Chief Matt Burns is deliberately trying to ensure that the police department only has white police officers?

  2. Not at all. The diversity issue has been around for years, probably before Barthel even took over. I am more concerned that Burns hasn’t wrapped his head around the drug crime issues in our town.

  3. The D@ily Spin on February 9, 2018 at 10:30 am said:

    I strongly agree with your replacement ideas. On the first day, hand the Parks Director a box and give him 10 minutes to leave the property. He’s made Parks independent from city services. Even their own logo. His management of the Aquatics Center has been inferior. He didn’t fully qualify the new Golf contract bids. Then, he awarded the contract to a quickly created inexperienced paper corporation from Nebraska. Maybe we need out of state help for building an Events center but we know how to mow the lawn. Worst of all, Parks has 70+ employees. None are a minority. Why so many? A new director could cut some overhead and re-emerge Parks into city government.

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