So Paramedics Plus sells to an investment company, and the city decides to just transfer an important contract in the consent agenda;

So what does the city’s health department director think that conversation should look like;

Sioux Falls Health Director Jill Franken said the city’s long been aware of the pending transaction and reiterated ambulance service in Sioux Falls nor the city’s contract with Paramedics Plus won’t be effected.

How long has the Bride of Franken been aware? Was she going to fill in the public or council?

“This business transaction has no impact on the city’s agreement with Paramedics Plus, LLC to provide surface ambulance service in Sioux Falls. … I expect and am confident (they) will continue to meet all contract obligations into the future,” she said.

This business transaction has no impact on the City’s agreement with Paramedics Plus, LLC to provide surface ambulance service in Sioux Falls.  Paramedics Plus has consistently met their contract compliance requirements. I expect and am confident that Paramedics Plus, LLC will continue to meet all contract obligations into the future.”

While that is all well and good, should we take the word of one person? Shouldn’t the public have a full explanation from Paramedics Plus why this transfer is going on?

Secret, Secret, Secret, RAMROD.

3 Thoughts on “Shouldn’t the City and Council have a public discussion about Sioux Falls ambulance contract transfer?

  1. Stiles Bitchley on February 17, 2018 at 2:47 pm said:

    Most contracts have language that deals with transferability. For example, this contract is likely between the City of Sioux Falls and “Paramedics Plus LLC and it’s assigns…” or something to that effect. Companies are bought and sold frequently and the underlying contracts of those companies need to be portable.
    Not everything is a big conspiracy out to screw you and the fine citizens of Sioux Falls.

  2. Stiles, I would agree, if it was like changing our contractor that sharpens our lawn mower blades or supplies bottled water to the city, but public safety and service is different, especially from a company that seems to be liquidating entities of their company while being investigated by the FEDS.

  3. The D@ily Spin on February 18, 2018 at 8:50 am said:

    It’s best to not invite trouble until after the election. Huether could turn this into another golf contract. At least we know we have emergency services. With a more sensible less corrupt administration, it’s time for public safety improvements.

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