You know the cowboy hat trend? The Supersuckers started it, not a bunch of gay fashion designers in New York.

Forget everything you know about Rock & Roll. Forget about AC/DC, Sabbath, The Stooges, The Stones and Detroit rock gods The MC5. The Supersuckers embodied all of this in one single album.

I first heard this record when I was a lowly DJ at KAUR Augustana college radio, it changed my whole opinion about modern rock and fortified in me that you can be punk rock, but you can also be a good musician. A lot of people were taken back by the SS because of that. Unlike other bands on the Sub Pop label, they didn’t suck. Not only are their albums well produced, their live shows smoke.

The Supersuckers hold a special place in my heart, the first time I saw them live I got my front tooth knocked out. When I told Eddie Spaghetti (the lead singer) about it at another gig several years later, I told him he owed me something, he handed me a bumpersticker. Priceless.

I want to go over the tracklist of this album and give you my take;

  1. “Creepy Jackalope Eye” A song about our state myth.
  2. “Seventeen Poles” A song about rural teenage parties.
  3. “High Ya!” A song about Bob Newland’s favorite pastime.
  4. “On the Couch” A song about being lazy.
  5. “Clueless” Not sure?
  6. “Sugie” Again, brainfart.
  7. “Mudhead” The greatest SS song evah!
  8. “Gold Top” A song about the greatest electric geetar ever invented, the Les Paul.
  9. “How to Maximize Your Kill Count” A song that was banned after Columbine.
  10. “I Was Born Without a Spine” A song about politicians.
  11. “Glad Damn Glad” A song about being in a band . . . and the benefits.
  12. “She’s My Bitch” A song about why the Beatles suck. Because they truly do.
  13. “The Schmooze” A song about poser record producers.

If you are light at heart, don’t pick this album up. It is offensive and vile. It’s f’ing great!

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