Most of the candidates reports are up. A big thank you to city clerk Tom Greco for getting them up in a timely manner.

There isn’t really any glaring things in the reports. It seems most of the candidates got their very large donations in the last cycle.

Entenman’s report shows that financial support for him is waining while Jolene, Greg and Paul saw a bump. I think at this point donors are holding their checkbooks until they see who is in the runoff.

As of right now I have it as a 3 horse race with Greg in 1st and a close 2/3 between Jolene and Paul. While I felt Paul had the upperhand for 2nd place I think his campaign over the past 2 weeks has been stagnant while Jolene has really been pumping a ton of energy into hers. We will see if the 4’11.5″ little Titan can pull off a 2nd place.

By l3wis

9 thoughts on “Final Financial Reports before Election are available”
  1. So I have a hypothetical question If someone was to pay to sponsor a personal Facebook message supporting a candidate would that have to be reported in some way?

  2. I wish there was a scientific poll for this race. In 2010, we had one before the first election, but this time…..? I believe Huether was in third place for that one, too.

    I would agree that ThuneHaken has stalled, but he is everywhere as far TV and radio, while his signage seems to have hit its peak….. And a lot of women are talking about Jo…. Like ’92, it could be the “Year of the Woman.”

  3. It seems the big spender ends up not so favorite. Greg is wimpy. Aggression and strength is needed forthcoming. Tenfold is looking for a resume credential and would end up another developer soldier. Entenman, who? He’s a surviving nerd from the 80’s. Jolene sneaks in. The woman’s vote this election is overestimated. What’s good about her is the innocence. She’ll serve at least 4 years before she can be corrupted.

  4. Ok, I give people the benefit of the doubt..let’s say you hypothetically grew up in a “Christian conservative” family who happened to hate the LGBT community or anyone who wasn’t a Caucasian Christian”…I wouldn’t make my decision regarding your character based on your family, yet hearing you and your mother demean people who “are going to hell” has stuck in my mind. People can change, Paul hasn’t.

  5. USD, it’s either a political committee, which needs to report itself as one, or an in-kind contribution to a campaign, which needs to be reported by the campaign that has received the benefit…

  6. The question I have is why we don’t use ranked choice, or “instant runoff” voting for city elections and save ourselves the hassle and expense of a second runoff election?

  7. ThuneHaken? Don’t insult John Thune. Sorry, I don’t buy that we have 6 great candidates. Well they might be nice people, the Mayor’s office is way bigger than nearly everyone of them. We need to quit spending money and pay down. There’s nothing fun about that but if we don’t get a higher bond rating and get some of our major problems taken care of, we will have problems in just a few short years. Kenny is nice, but not up for the job. Jolene, same thing, the budget issues will swallow here. We don’t need a drunk as mayor. That leaves Gunn and Jamison. With a loose cannon in the office of president, I guess that means we can’t have one in the mayors office. That leaves us with Jamison, and he’s probably the most qualified in the first place. I’ll be happy if he wins because he’s not going to run around making a big deal out of everything. He’ll just run the damn city. And right now, that’s what we need.

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