H/T – To ZDB for the election stats below, based on approximates.
The big loser of the night (when it comes to cost per vote) was Jim Entenman. This of course was no surprise to me. His strategy was all over the map and seemed like it was cooked up by some one who plans kid’s birthday parties and plans weddings, oh, that’s because it was. I also heard they were advising some other campaigns last night that didn’t do so well. Erickson wins the ‘thrifty’ award for the night. Maybe she should resign from the council and become a consultant
By the numbers (cost per vote);
Entenman; $41.40 (Jim should have just had a FREE hog roast, would have been cheaper)
Jamison; $17.39
TenHaken; $14.37
Soehl; $12.24
Hurlbert; $11.15
Gunn; $8.64
Anderson; $7.03
Loetscher; $6.40
Paulson; $4.08
Bardon; $3.78
DeBoer; $2.86
Weiland; $1.37
Brekke; $1.19
Bartlett; $0.85
Erickson; $0.84
It’s impressive how little Loetscher and Brekke spent. Erickson is a sitting councilor. No surprise she was re-elected. TenHaken would be another businessman mayor like Huether. He’d try to be mayor and run his business simultaneously. Post Huether, the city needs full time attention.
Under ThuneHaken, it will merely be “ClickReign.”
I don’t think you included the $75,000+ in-kind reported so far from Loetscher’s husband. That moves the needle much higher.
Paul no longer has an equity stake in ClickRain, so there’s that.
Funny that the anti-TenHaken crowd is now trying to paint him as “another Huether†now that he came in first. The “too conservative†and “too religious†attack didn’t work, so now the attack is “too businesslike?â€
I want to see a copy of the letter/email scolding gramma erp sent out berating citizens who supported and signed a letter endorsing Brekke.
Can you get a copy of that?
Loetcher’s numbers are deceiving. The dollar amount of like-kind services she received from her husband is staggering.
Good point D@ily. It isn’t a part-time job.
Another Weiland loses a political race. Will they never learn?
I get the feeling either candidate will not be the bully Huether was. They would both be more personal and a better social representative. The voters spoke and indications are they want a mayor who doesn’t get rich from side consideration via city contracts. I favor Loetscher because I think she’ll expose flaws in the Charter, impose full transparency, and respect public comment at council meetings.
Trust me, the “too conservative” and “too religious” are still going to work, because combined with the self-righteous pride, that he displayed in his KELO interview last night, it will all evolve into the ultimate Achilles heel… you just watch….
i’m guessing mathew will be involved somehow in thunehaken’s administration if he’s elected.
Matt, did you misspell too bullshitlke?
I cannot visualize TenHaken’s ego being able to work with the current Strong-Willed Council (Brekke-Erickson-Neitzert-Starr-Stehly), and, yes, I intentionally did not include Kiley and Selberg.
It would be a repeat of the last four years under Huether! This community is ready for something different.
Millennial mayor says he’s going to hire a chief of staf. So he’s suppose to be boy wonder of big budgets and many employees but he needs a COO to run the office he wants to be elected to.
Jolene’s resume (quick Google search):
If somebody can please find & share a copy of Paul’s resume, I would love to compare.
Because based on my current assessment, I think we’re screwed.
What kind of work does Loetcher’s husband do?
Maybe he’ll see the Council as a “Leadership Team?”
The chief of staff idea will make it easier for him to keep his eye on “CliqueRepublican,” however.
But I must reassess, is it “ThuneHaken” or “TenHuether?” Either way, it won’t be good….. Maybe its ThuneHuether?….Yikes!.. (Batman, HELP!….I mean the REAL “BATMAN!”)
I bet DSU hopes he doesn’t win, else he might call in some more favors…..(I knew we should’ve never joined that darn “Leadership Team” to begin with….. But he is such a good salesman.)
i see jolene was also a sanford marketing hack.
Paul will only talk to people who he can benefit from. I have found Jolene to be very down to earth and a plain, old decent person. I know that the general consensus is that party politics don’t play a role in city government, but I think it speaks to character. Jolene is a class act. I really liked Nick Weiland and was very dissapointed that Christine won. I like Janet Brekke. So, win on Brekke and DeBoer and lose on everything else.
Scott, how is Jolene a marketing hack?
Frankly, I would rather vote for a “sanford marketing hack,” then a hack that reached out to Sanford/DSU for partisan reasons to utilize state money and time….
Definitely do not want a city government job,, no matter who is mayor! The wheels of government move too slow for my tastes.
Kelo ran a similar story about cost per vote. There are differences between the two. How was your methodology different than theirs?
WP, you would have to ask my numbers guru who sent me this. He said it was based on approximates. The other thing you have to take into account is that they are NOT accurate anyway because we have no idea what donations were made AFTER the report was filed, we won’t know those numbers for awhile. The numbers could go a lot higher.
Kelo story;
Have any more info on the “wedding planner” running Jim’s campaign? I went to high school with Jim’s niece, and she is a wedding planner and was posting on Facebook frequently about the campaign. Is that who ran the campaign?
do not know what the truth is, but if she received in-kind contributions not yet reported then that question should be asked – and answered – should she claim a low budget race full transparancy
Gosh… divide total campaign $ spent by the number of votes received. Tough math.
When are you going to start paying me for writing your stories Jorgenson?