Informational Meeting

We will get to hear the March financial report. The city hasn’t posted ANY financial reports for the year yet.

Land Use Committee

Development and Infrastructure Update by Public Works Director Mark Cotter and Planning Director Mike Cooper.

City Council Meeting

Item #1, Consent Agenda, city funds warming shelter. We also throwing more money into the baseball stadium.

Item#2, Unresponsive Bidder

Item#25, A new wine bar? Hmmm. It will be located in Washington Square.

Items #31-32, New owners plan to reopen the Log Cabin Bar.

Item#33, Sanford Foundation House to get liquor license.

Item#53, 1st Reading of Sioux Steel property to DTPUD.

Item#57, Canvassing Results of city election.

2 Thoughts on “Sioux Falls City Council Agenda, April 17, 2018

  1. D@ily Spin on April 14, 2018 at 1:38 pm said:

    Will ‘Our Zealot Mike’ be at the council meeting?

  2. He’ll probably be at Younker’s closeout sale looking for a “BatHaken” cloak.

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