Like the fake Mike Huether twitter account, I can assure you I am not behind the Been Takin account. I have often told people if I parody a politician, I take credit for it. I have nothing to hide.

As for who is doing it? I have no idea, but would love to buy them a beer.

People have been bugging me all week asking if it is me – this is why I am responding in a post about my innocence.

It reminds years ago when the Argus basically accused me of being the graffiti artist ‘Disinform’ who as I understand has moved away. I never did get to meet him.

I had a little fun though with the accusation sending the AL reporter, Nester, on a wild goose chase for a couple of days of places I told him I had sitings. Man that was fun. I still snicker about that when I see graffiti painted somewhere.

How I miss the AL having naive reporters. Now they are just underpaid and lazy.

By l3wis

11 thoughts on “I’m NOT behind ‘Paul Been Takin’”
  1. Never seen so many pictures taken of oneself at about the same age. He is missing Lord ThuneHaken as a cowboy, Lord ThuneHaken as a Navy Seal, Lord Thune Haken Parachuting.

    What next Lord TapioHaken Action figure Mayor of Sanford Falls for kids?

    What do I know? I am just a Knothead Peasant.

  2. This is kind of like one of those old stories kelo did about the perils of leaving your personal stuff visible on social media when you are job hunting.

  3. Seriously LJL? Lazy? I was called many things in my career but lazy was never one of them. 😉

  4. Every time an account sprouts up on Twitter or a page on Facebook I’ve heard “That Southdacola guy” get blamed a lot. I tell them it’s not your style.

  5. but c’mon, who doesn’t want to be “behind Paul” 😉 Knowwhaddamean????

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