By l3wis

3 thoughts on “Tool Time!”
  1. Hi it’s me! I’m writing to you from the future. Where I’m at it’s about 9:36 p.m. on Tuesday, May 1. What a day!

    I just want to congratulate tonight’s big winner Paul TenHaken for become the next mayor of Sioux Falls! How excited he must be! Now he’ll be in charge of no millennials, all of which will hate him.

    Super-congrats are in order for Bill Peterson on his new position of Chief of Staff. Bill, you couldn’t get elected to mayor, but you finally made it to his office…at least you will still get to run the city! (Bill was illegally promised the COS job months ago, and he’s been counting down the days until he finally gets health insurance and a paycheck once again.)

    A quick shout-out to Jolene for actually running. Congrats, you queen of spin! Of course you lost. Trotting out the who’s who’s-beens of Sioux Falls politics was dumb. Funny how you were literally going to remove the mayor’s door. Guess everyone in SF forgot Rick Knobbe made the same promise. That also means no one remembered to ask how many weeks it was until Lil’ Ricky put the door back on. (Hint: Less than 4 months!) Shame Jim Abdnor wasn’t alive to give you his endorsement too. Your campaign of conversations was doomed from the start.

    And, just a quick note to you voters. Congratulations to you! You deserve Paul TenHaken.

    You couldn’t see this crook coming? No, no you couldn’t.

    Enjoy the next four years. Enjoy Paul’s social engineering. Enjoy the anti-alcohol, anit-gay, anti-non-Jesus-owned business climate, enjoy the fights, chaos and empty promises of Paul TenHaken.

    Enjoy the anti-politician politician.

    You can write my words off now. But there’s a Paul TenHaken you don’t know, and just wait until you meet him. By electing him, you surely deserve him.


    Your friend from the future

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