The width was the important part of the legal action;

Now, the McDowells’ attorney is taking issue with the proposed changes, or the lack of them. He says they keep the house in its same footprint, don’t slim it down, or move it away from his clients. Steve Johnson says, “it’s obvious these plans don’t meet the court’s requirements and would still be in violation.”

The quick trip to the barber shop to shave a little off the top just doesn’t ‘cut it’. It was pretty clear that the offenders also needed to either move the house over to the South, shave off a portion of the house on the north side, move the entire house off the lot or demolish it. They are just stalling and playing games. Hopefully the Historic Board denies the plans and makes them come up with new plans immediately.

4 Thoughts on “McKennan Park ‘Monster House’ owners just don’t get it

  1. D@ily Spin on May 3, 2018 at 9:16 pm said:

    The city approved it so there’s no zoning conflict and the owner can’t sue the city for responsibility. Historic Board cannot overrule city approval. State Supreme Court decided civilly that construction violated the neighbors quality of life and caused property devaluation. Basically, OJ beat criminal charges but lost his net worth with a private lawsuit.
    In this case, neighbor can be awarded a judgement on the property. Owner can live there in perpetuity but can’t sell without satisfying the judgement. There’s a trick. Owner can transfer property bundle of rights via a 99 year lease without title transfer.

    In other words, sit on it. Neighbor can fuss all they want but nothing has to happen. Neighbor’s continued litigation is 6 figures and rising. The historic board makes rules that can’t be enforced. Homes around McKennon Park lost value.

  2. Right now, it’s just Floyd’s “a little off the top.” What’s needed is a Lucille Ball mohawk, like the one she gave to Stanley Livingston….

  3. scott on May 5, 2018 at 12:59 pm said:

    i didn’t know lucy guest starred on my three sons.

  4. I miss ‘Uncle Charlie.’ He was the first ‘Archie Bunker’…… then ‘Archie’ was the first Trump…….

    Did you know that at Universal Studios, that ‘Robbie,’ ‘Chip,’ and ‘Ernie’ lived on the same street as the ‘Munsters?’……. Yep, they just don’t make middle class neighborhoods like that any more……

    Oh, and I was wrong, it was Barry Livingston (Ernie) and not Stanley Livingston (Chip) with the new du compliments of Lucy….

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