As some may know or not know, the city council can’t meet as an entire body in public unless there is a 24 hour public notice. In other words they can’t get together as a group (4 or more) whether that is for a task force meeting or a BBQ at a local park. It is a violation of open meeting laws. But if they public notice and meet in a public space it’s fine.

Once a year they try to get together as a group for dinner, they are considering doing this on Tuesday night, Downtown after the 4 PM informational meeting.

Like last year’s event, where Rolfing openly protested Cameraman Bruce’s recording, this year they don’t want the cameras again. So is it a public meeting if there was no one there to document it? Does a bear sh*t in the woods?

By l3wis

2 thoughts on “Sioux Falls City Council considering having their annual ‘public’ dinner Tuesday night”
  1. Frankly, right now, I am a little shaken by any bear analogies which involve Sioux Falls.

    However, with the severely low unemployment in this town, couldn’t one of us get hired as a waiter or waitress to wait their table….. (Wink, Wink…..(Oh, and the cameras are here because I am a part of an ‘Undercover Boss’ episode….))

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