Once we get past the Geo Domes and Holograms, George let’s them have it about home valuations.

The Sioux Falls Public School’s attempts to keep everyone in the dark by having meetings without paying attention to the public was illustrated on May 30, 2018 as the members tried to close out Task Force Meeting #4.

The school district has no intention of playing fair or above board in their attempts to spend $190,000,000 to build more vanity schools for the privileged. The audience called out the Task Force members and George Hahn spoke for many but by then what did it matter, the Task Force had already voted before any public could speak.

By l3wis

4 thoughts on “Oops we forgot Public Input (5/30/2018)”
  1. Are Task Forces subject to open meeting laws? Are they not an arm of actual governmental entities, so the legal requirements should then stretch to their area of inquiry and action as well?

  2. VSG- Hold steady big fellar, you are not the only one to notice. Let’s just say we are looking into it, more to come.

  3. Excellent presentation by George. This guy has some fanstastic verbal skills. He brought up some great points about home ownership, rates, and really thinking outside the box. This is the type of person they should have had involved instead of all the well to do “lets spend money” crowd.

  4. TF votes.

    Co-Chair declares meeting over.

    Oh, BTW, someone from that pesky public wants to speak.

    Watch Todd Vik, SFSD Business Manager, as the public input is given. Not once does he look at the speaker, and he is one of the two engineers (the other being Doug Morrison) of the $190m bond proposal.

    Arrogance personified.

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