I’m a fan of good stout beer and love coffee, so when I saw a coffee stout in the cooler at Sids, I had to try it. I don’t drink much beer anymore, but do enjoy heavier-creamy stouts. This beer is absolutely delicious. It tastes more like an ice cold Toddy and cream than a beer. As you can see, beer advocate gave it a A+

Peche Mortel (Mortal Sin) is from Quebec, Canada.

By l3wis

14 thoughts on “Really Freaking Tasty”
  1. Since I’ve already given you your Christmas present, that dinner before John Hammond, you still owe me mine, and I know just what I want.

    Young’s Chocolate Stout is one of my favorites so I’m sure Peche Mortel will fit just perfect.

  2. French Canadian beer? Maybe they’ve exported something good for once. I wonder how it tastes alongside a Quebecois staple meal like poutine.

  3. While poutine is very good, I don’t think it would taste good with a coffee imperial stout, but I bet an ice cold Molson would be a good match.

  4. That was “Hot Dish”. Poutine is different.

    Maybe I’ll be able to snare a rabbit to make the original version of the dish…

  5. Maybe we could work out a trade. Do you have any Bells in SD? We do. Their stouts are some of the best I’ve had. Or what about Great Divide. We should talk.

  6. I’ve never actually done it. Whichever is more likely to actually deliver the goods without breaking some bottles.

    Do you want a mix of Bells or are you interested in only stouts. I sometimes forget how much great beer we have. We also get Southern Tier, Avery, O’Fallon, etc. Let me know. We can move this discussion to email or FB, if you’d like.

  7. I learned this the hard way when I shipped beer to a homebrewing competition:

    There are very strict rules about shipping alcohol through the mail and UPS/Fed Ex/etc. You need special licensing etc to do so. DO NOT say you are shipping alcohol. They will ask if you are shipping liquids.
    The way to get around this is to say you have “yeast samples for testing”. This is a perfectly legit and legal statement.
    The other way is to drink the beer and send your buddy the empties. Woooooo!

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