Most of the time Sioux Falls city hall makes some rather dumb moves, but this week has been rather odd and suspicious to say the least. As you know, a few weeks back, Mayor Munson was chomping at the bit to get a $38 million dollar bond passed because the levee project just had to be completed ahead of schedule – well – because Munson said so. Than there was a possibility that the Feds may pay us back. Yeah right.

I have long believed this was a ploy to stop our tax initiative by scaring us into believing it may be illegal, turns out it wasn’t. So on Monday they tried to guilt us into ending the drive by telling us the rates may go up on the loan because of our initiative, probably not.

Now the city is saying we may not have to take the loan out at all,

Earlier this month the city council voted to issue 38 million dollars worth of bonds to pay for the project, but they’d rather see the federal government pay for the project right away. 

“There’s a good chance that the 38 million dollar bond ordinance that’s been passed may be able to be reduced,” Cotter said. 

Can you say, Clusterf***?! This is what happens when you play games – you waste time and resources when you don’t need to. If anyone is costing taxpayer’s more money, it’s not our initiative, it’s your childish shananigans.

We are continuing our drive this Saturday with a door to door campaign.

UPDATE: Munson and councilor Jamison said in an email yesterday that they would not sit down with us for a briefing on Friday. Pretty obvious why, they may not need to take out the loan. I’ll post the email when I get it.

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