It appears the Parks Board is not only moving to a different location (as it does every month), but now they have also done a switcheroo on the day of the week. Not sure if this is a permanent thing or not?
Regular meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month, with a quorum of four board members being necessary for a meeting.
Wednesday, June 20, 2018
4:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting
Kenny Anderson Community Center, 3701 E. 3rd St.
No highlighting of the change of date/day of the week on the above agenda notice.
No mention in the May 2018 meeting minutes that June’s meeting will be on a different day of the week than usual.
Could it have something to do with this?
6. New business
a. Golf update – Justin Arlt – Landscapes Unlimited
***Unofficial minutes to be approved at June 19, 2018 meeting
Report of Director of Parks and Recreation
a. Kearney handed out the monthly financial reports from Landscapes Unlimited. These reports will be provided each month going forward, along with 2017 year-to-date actuals from 2017 for comparison purposes. The market manager for Landscapes Unlimited, Justin Arlt, will attend the June Board meeting to give an update on upcoming special events, clubhouse updates, as well as a report on rounds and revenues through May and answer any questions about golf course operations at that time.
b. 2019 Operating Budget – Kelby Mieras
This could also prove to be interesting.