South DaCola is website dedicated to the editorial cartoons of Scott L. Ehrisman. Most of the subject matter relates to South Dakota.

ALL of the subject matter is copyrighted to © Scott L. Ehrisman. If you would like to publish any of the cartoons found on this website there is a $35 usage fee. A high resolution file will be sent to you by contacting:

T-shirts, coffee mugs, etc. can be made of any of the cartoons appearing on this site. Please contact me for prices, questions and sizes at:

3 thoughts on “CONTACT INFO”
  1. […] to me that South DaCola should allow people to promote their events in SF and SD on my site. I’m all for it. I have between 10,000 – 12,000 readers a day (computer users). I would do it for no charge, […]

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