I saw this notice today on the city website;

Scheduled Maintenance June 28, 10:30 p.m. siouxfalls.org will be unavailable for an estimate of two hours.

I hope this means the site will be re-done and more user friendly. Before the runoff election I had a conversation with Paul TenHaken about the poorly constructed city website and his strong desire to make it more user friendly and purposeful. This will probably not be a total reconstruction of the site, but hopefully a first step in the right direction. We should embrace technology and have city resources at our finger tips, that starts with a city website.

By l3wis

2 thoughts on “Is the City of Sioux Falls FINALLY updating city website?”
  1. TenHaken has moxy skills with web development. He should be able to stop the pretend nerds from billing without production. His real problem will be keeping the city solvent. With major chain stores pulling out and vacant commercial strips, tax revenue will be worse than expected. Not his fault. Huether spent 10 years into the future and cooked solvency before he left. I’m hoping streets construction can be finished before winter. Huether left everything under construction without funds for completion. Good luck Paul.

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