I often joke with Councilor Stehly that KELO-AM‘s blog often spells her name multiple different ways. All I can say is ‘Fake News’.

By l3wis

4 thoughts on “And you thought I had bad typos”
  1. The snow is melting on the mountains on Mars too. We have only been observing and measuring weather for the last 150 yrs so we have no idea what normai should be.

  2. How Scott, can you possibly call a lineup of belfridge, limpbaugh, hanitee, and levine fake news?

    Just kidding.

  3. MM, all one has to do is pull a core sample out of a glacier to know the weather history of our planet from 1000s of years back…. It is often called the “Pre-Dave Dedrick Era,” or its like Carfax for climatology.


  4. i thought the kelo am crowd didn’t believe in climate change, or do they just have to say that on the air?

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