3 Thoughts on “FEBRUARY 12, 2008 – SD Parenting Priorities

  1. The little fellows also need to learn to use a gun before attending a SD state college – bang, bang!!!!

  2. I’m waiting for them to approve concealed weapons in the Capital building so the west river and east river legislators can have a gun fight and settle their differences.

  3. tim Benson on February 14, 2008 at 8:42 pm said:

    Russ’ comment about youngsters learning to use a gun seems prophetic in light of the Valentine’s Day Massacre at Northern Illinois University. When will the carnage on our country’s university campuses end? Recently, it happened at Virginia Tech. In the early 70’s, it was Kent State and Jackson State. (The National Guard was ordered to restore “peace” during Vietnam War protests). In the late 60’s, it was the University of Texas, terrorized by a madman with a high-powered rifle in a bell tower. Why are unarmed students targeted by attention-seeking cowards? I would be hesitant to send my kid to any public university in light of these events.

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