And some people wonder why I play my violin;
This favored group of five does not interact much with the public. Their reliance is mostly limited to city staff, developers, and the mayor’s office for information and instruction. That in itself, tells citizens a great deal about the intent of these five councilors to actually represent average citizens.
The irony is I heard a top city official (not elected) last week talk about how the previous mayor ‘Pushed Thru’ the Events Center (instead of relying on a task force for a recommendation). Also ironic is this person tried to correct what they said after saying it, as if the rest of us in the room didn’t know our past mayor was a ramrodding bully who not only screwed up the siding on the Denty but at the EC Campus Book Club meeting officials admitted that the concrete on the main floor is beginning to crack and crumble due to the ice usage for hockey games. Remember folks, this building is barely 5 years old.
If these disrespectful councilors were children in our school system, their disdainful behavior and body language would be strongly addressed. Do we expect less of our councilors than we do our children?
And the sad part is that they don’t care, or they go on Facebook and claim their families are being attacked.
It’s true, the public is represented by 3 councilors. The other 5 are comparable comparison to stepford wives for developers and the mayor.
A party ran by their own little click.