Communities across the country are doing the smart thing;

This is a list of citywide, municipal, Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) networks across the United States. Our Community Networks Map offers an interactive look at the many ways communities have improved Internet access with smart local investments. These communities have some of the best connectivity you can find in the entire country รขโ‚ฌโ€ supporting strong local economies and a high quality of life to ensure they can thrive.

As you can see, just 40 minutes North of us, Brookings, SD has invested in this kind of network. Pretty astounding considering they don’t have an innovation department at city hall ๐Ÿ™‚

This is really what Sioux Falls should be investing in. But when you have to carry water for Ironic Johnny Thune-Bag, these things happen.

9 Thoughts on “Fiber-to-Home Networks much better than 5G

  1. I had swiftel and its slow and expensive and you’re FORCED to pay for a landline phone you wont use.

    So you want to use tax payer money so you can pay $51 a month for 15 meg service? Typical bonehead liberal.

  2. Additionally, Swiftel is owned by Sprint. I believe Brookings paid to build the system and Sprint runs it.

    A real model of well used tax payer money.

  3. Diego G. on April 18, 2019 at 7:51 pm said:

    Chattanooga TN is 10 years ahead on fiber optics. It’s absolutely the way to go for the future. It will obsolete 5G altogether before 5G is fully rolled out. Sioux Falls is essentially going backwards by pushing 5G instead of fiber to each home. Heck, ethernet & cable that are already to almost all homes in cities & towns are magnitudes times faster than 5G. “Sioux Falls Stupid.”

  4. Diego G. on April 18, 2019 at 8:08 pm said:

    Thousands of peer reviewed & published scientific studies show demonstrable non-thermal bad health effects from wireless radiation waves (Electromagnetic Radiation – EMR) emitted from all things wireless. The FCC, Telecoms & Wireless Industries have been hiding these effects behind the fact that they only did THERMAL studies for these devices, i.e., how much the EMR heated up human tissue, which was established as safe or good enough study wise. NOW come studies of the 5G millimeter waves (MMW) showing tissue damage from the THERMAL effects too. But yeah, let’s go with “Sioux Falls Stupid” & continue to roll out something that will harm us both thermally & non-thermally.

  5. Siftel-Smirnt on April 19, 2019 at 8:20 am said:

    Swiftel is owned by Sprint? You better check your facts. the local Sprint operation is a franchise operated by Swiftel. It still is a poor excuse for a Sprint operation but Swiftel is a monopoly municipal telephone company based in Brookings.

  6. The Guy from Guernsey on April 19, 2019 at 10:18 am said:

    LOL, Swiftel a dba of Brookings Municipal Utilities!
    “… they don’t have an innovation department at city hall.”
    Could make the case that a city-owned telephone company is the innovation dept.
    The private enterprise stakes in Sprint and SDN make for an interesting hybrid.

  7. The Guy from Guernsey on April 20, 2019 at 8:38 am said:

    “Still a pathetic use of tax dollars.”
    Ljl, I agree that this is not a proper role for government.
    But I doubt that the residents of one of the members of the USDSCT* would agree.
    They love them some government ownership of “the means of production”.

    * Union of South Dakota Socialist College Towns

  8. Derrick on August 14, 2019 at 7:52 am said:

    Swiftels internet is crap like LJL said. This article should not be used as proof of anything. They could charge reasonable prices if they wanted but they dont, and who wants home phone bundled in with all the associated fees in 2019? Just sign up with Mediacom using a different member of the household and take the new customer discount or cancel and wait 90 days.

    Really if you want home internet you have to bend over now…all these companies know they got us by the balls and they basically use a subtle form of collusion to make sure we pay $75+/month.

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