Another shot of the Arc phase I being placed

Got to go into the Pavilion galleries for free on Saturday (the only time I go) the piece below was the best. The Pavilion also had a huge fail and instead of having their FREE concert outside on Main they moved it inside and hardly anyone attended. Apparently they wanted to celebrate 20 years but didn’t want any extra expense of having equipment outside. Lame.

There is a great view of the prison from the Levitt Stage. I wonder how many performers will ask about the castle on the hill?

4 Thoughts on “Weekend Picts • June 1, 2019

  1. "'Extremely' Stable Genius" on June 2, 2019 at 9:12 pm said:

    I once had a nice bike like that one, too, until someone stole it. I can only hope they are now off in the distance on the top of that hill. 🙂

  2. D@ily Spin on June 2, 2019 at 10:32 pm said:

    It’s taking a long time to put up the Arc. What’s so hard about putting up 2 pieces that don’t have to fit together?

  3. D@ily Spin on June 2, 2019 at 10:38 pm said:

    Looks like the 20th anniversary at the Pavilion was just one big whirlygig. Good idea if they need to scare the birds away from what will eventually become another Corn Palace.

  4. One who farms fleet on June 3, 2019 at 2:43 pm said:

    Maybe we will only get a half arc to go with our half hotel/bunker ramp?…..#WillyWonkasWorld

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