They seem to have about every base covered except the thousands of hard working South Dakotans in this state that are underpaid and overworked. Recently SD News watch did a story that around 70% of South Dakotans are paid under $40K a year. It’s a travesty. A labor caucus would have been a nice gesture. CORRECTION: Somehow it was tied into small business below and I did not catch it. A friendly suggestion would be splitting the two into separate caucuses, because, they are separate issues.

4 Thoughts on “CORRECTION: Where’s the working man’s caucus?

  1. Jason Anderson on June 6, 2019 at 8:19 pm said:

    We have one at 10:30 Saturday morning.?!?!

  2. l3wis on June 6, 2019 at 8:27 pm said:

    TY! I appreciate the correction, I didn’t catch it since you tied it into small bizzo.

  3. "'Extemely' Stable Genius" on June 6, 2019 at 10:17 pm said:

    Labor should have its own caucus. In fact, it should be called “WAGES!”

    Better yet, if we dealt with wages in this state many of the other problems would go away or be lessen. Thus, a need for less caucuses in the future.

    You would also think that those who recently unionized would be eager to have a labor caucus in of itself, wouldn’t you?

    And grouping labor with economic development is so South Dakota. It speaks of the co-opting and enabling realities of labor in this state to often when it comes to its relationship with management and the owership class of this state.

  4. Erica on June 7, 2019 at 12:48 am said:

    “around 70% of South Dakotans are paid under $40K a year” This and the fact that something like half of the students in the district are on free/reduced lunches always makes me question all the higher end retail shops that come into the area and all the high dollar homes for sale/recently sold in the are that Keloland loves to push on FB. Seems people here must be overextending their lines of credit or that report is way off in what the average salary is.

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