Though I agree with Ken’s taste in Jazz, I would have to say he is just flat wrong on Iraq. This was Bush’s mess to begin with, even if Congress gave him permission to declare war. It was ultimately Bush’s decision to go into Iraq. Anybody who gets handed this turd sandwich probably won’t be able to solve it overnight, or always make the right decisions in the process. Most importantly, Americans need to get behind and support whoever the next president is in fixing this problem.

As for defeat, even if we left yesterday, we still accomplished all we aimed to;

– No WMD’s have been found

– Saddam was removed from power, tried and executed

– Iraqi’s have formed a representative government

Mission Accomplished as far as I am concerned. I think Obama’s plan to pull the troops out over a 2 year stretch is the best one.

Let’s face it, the Iraq war should have never happened. It was one of the worst foreign policy decisions in the history of our country. BUT let’s support the next president in getting the F’ck out of there ASAP.

By l3wis

4 thoughts on “BUSH screws it up, now the next president owns it.”
  1. What success? The ‘Surge’s’ main purpose was to have a diplomatic solution. Where is it? More of the same. Iraq needs to be dealt with just like a bandade. Pull it off with one quick swipe.

  2. Good analogy – a scab would be a nice change from the greedy, Bush-ite blood-letting of the non-Bush-ite victims. What I still can’t figure out: why is there no impeachment hearings, or are we just waiting for a semen-stained dress to surface?

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