Ever get in line behind someone at the bank or fast-food counter who doesn’t know what they want? Governor Rounds is the biggest offender;

While many states have made their lists of “ready-to-go” projects available for public review, others have resisted.

Only a fraction of the projects will receive money and watchdog groups say some state officials fear angering constituents if a project appears on a wish list and gets scratched.

So we might be $85 million short in tax revenue this year, and you have no clue where we could spend the money? As Archie Bunker would say, “GEEEEEEEEEEZ”

2 Thoughts on “No time for Doddlers

  1. the governor has a fatal case of, “I want to be liked”; when what we’ve needed for six years is a governor who wants to lead.

  2. Governor White Strips as I like to call him.

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