As the last mayor of Sioux Falls celebrates his 57th birthday tomorrow, some have been wondering when his ‘tell all’ book is coming out.

In a media story from April, he said the book was coming out in June, yet there has been no announcement as to when it will debut.

I find it a little ironic that a guy who pushed through so many projects so fast in order to ‘get things done’ has yet to release his book? A month overdue. It’s too bad he didn’t take this kind of due diligence when pushing to get the EC, admin building, indoor pool and parking ramp done.

8 Thoughts on “When is the former mayor’s book coming out?

  1. Scott on July 23, 2019 at 10:16 am said:

    I heard that the manuscript is completed. Now he’s just trying to select the best cover photo taken of patting himself on the back for a wonderful eight years in office.

  2. anominous on July 23, 2019 at 12:04 pm said:

    Yeah, it’s gonna be a pop-up book featuring all of the buildings they rammed thru.

  3. Where in the Hell is Dillard's? on July 23, 2019 at 12:52 pm said:

    Maybe his dog ate the entire rough draft.

  4. "'Extremely' Stable Genius" on July 23, 2019 at 1:51 pm said:

    Perhaps, he is being vetted by Mayor Pete for the VP slot and doesn’t want the book to be an issue for their campaign…#UGotToBeKidding…..

  5. Matthew Paulson on July 23, 2019 at 1:56 pm said:

    Politicians only write books when they’re running for something or they’re out of officer forever and want to write a memoir. Wonder which case Huether is.

  6. D@ily Spin on July 23, 2019 at 3:06 pm said:

    It was done but he cried on it. The audio book will be ‘Listen and Learn’ punishment at the state pen.

  7. scott on July 23, 2019 at 4:25 pm said:

    much like the development at the event center, im sure all the big new york publishing houses were falling all over themselves to get mmm’s book. in reality, i bet he is rewriting the ending, since the bunker hotel deal went down the shitter.

  8. l3wis on July 23, 2019 at 8:05 pm said:

    HA! I bet a lot of things need to be re-wrote.

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