Oh, the irony of former chief bullsh*tter having a press conference about his 123 page book (that I presume has been extremely edited, or should we say ‘polished’) the same day Councilor ‘Mama’s Boy’ Neitzert makes his re-election bid;

“We need an honest, informed and principled leadership more than ever to address the many challenges and opportunities as our city continues to grow. I believe I have proven to be that type of leader.”

I’ll let the honesty and principled statements slide for now, we will have plenty of time to talk about those, but I hate to remind Greg that if he were truly ‘informed’ he would have NEVER fought for the Bunker Ramp, in fact, any city official (elected or not) that helped to push that thru was anything but ‘informed’ and maybe just a little bit ‘dishonest’. And let’s continue with that theme;

‘update annexation policies to foster more neighborhood cooperation’

The annexation task force did a quick 180 after Theresa Stehly used her own resources and time to notify NON-RESIDENTS of the potential annexation efforts by the city of Sioux Falls. She certainly did not have to do that, but because of her efforts the task force members, including Neitzert and Kiley found out what a pitchfork up their rears feels like.

And speaking of Theresa, she still hasn’t decided if she will run or not. But the rumor around the South of 57th street water cooler is that councilor Erickson and Mayor Paul are helping her potential opponent, Alex Jensen, with fundraising and organization. I also heard Neitzert’s potential opponent is getting a little assistance from a former mayoral candidate, no worries, it’s NOT the zombie guy.

4 Thoughts on “Councilor Neitzert makes some interesting statements

  1. Warren Phear on September 4, 2019 at 9:51 am said:

    The annexation task force did a quick 180 after Theresa Stehly used her own resources and time to notify NON-RESIDENTS of the potential annexation efforts by the city of Sioux Falls. She certainly did not have to do that, but because of her efforts the task force members, including Neitzert and Kiley found out what a pitchfork up their rears feels like.

    Amen brother.

  2. D@ily Spin on September 4, 2019 at 12:13 pm said:

    Neitzert has fallen in with the out crowd. It’s sad to watch a councilor become infected with self promotion. Stehly gets in there. Her focus is oriented on the population and not elite developer types.

    I thought about buying Huether’s book and using it for 123 craps but my purchase might be the one that prevents it from becoming a dismal failure.

  3. Who ate the latter half of my Popeyes chicken sandwich, which I left in the breakroom frig? on September 4, 2019 at 10:46 pm said:

    I envision this “South of 57th street water cooler” as being in a taupe breakroom, am I right? Or, is it in the Mayor’s garage and beneath his “Big Mouth Billy Bass?”

    Has the GOP found a token minority to run against Starr, yet?…. #ItsOnlyAMatterOfTime

    Theresa needs to run again. She’s a Republican, I am a Democrat, but Theresa cares and the council deserves her.

    I think David should help Neitzert’s opponent, too. Haven’t you noticed, that Zombie movies often depict settings with an architecture similar to what is found in the NW District?

  4. Save Irving! on September 5, 2019 at 1:48 am said:

    ‘Animal Farm’ was a precursor to Neitzer’s political ambitions. Wasn’t he against the City Center before he was for it? He represents many working class folks, who not only do not use ramps often, but when they do, they need not a bunkered one.

    ( – Woodstock adds: “Who needs a bunkered one, unless you are hiding from the opposition?”)

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