It was quite the performance of the RS5 last night and their little parlor trick to make sure the Mayor’s proposed ‘Cult Officer’ got a tie vote so he could break the tie.

Three councilors argued that the mayor could just slide the position thru on the sly, but he chose to be open about it, then they let him have his way by letting him break the tie anyway.

Don’t be fooled by their performances, and Erickson’s classic standby, “I really struggled with this.” The only thing she struggled with was keeping track of the votes, that I can guarantee were counted in advance to make sure the mayor could break the tie and slide it thru.

I’m no expert on HR, and I couldn’t tell you if they need this position or not. But I do agree with one argument, if they do need it, it should be in the HR department, not under the mayor’s department.

By l3wis

7 thoughts on “Sioux Falls City Council RS5 should audition for Community Theater”
  1. So looking forward to next election. Hope to see some of these 5 replaced. They’ve become so cunning and calculated. Their behavior and arrogance has become quite disgusting.

  2. Maybe a ‘Cult Leader’ will make it easier to excuse and explain ignorant city leaders. Just don’t drink the Kool-Aid or believe there’s a ride on a comet to another Oligarchy.

  3. With this vote you couldn’t help but notice that most of the Council members were for it, but they only made four really vote for it. They’re apathetic.

  4. The only thing Erickson struggled with is angling for an out-of-town Cult Officer candidate to be hired, who can be her renter until they find a suitable taupe house to buy from Erickson’s realtor husband.

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