Isn’t it funny how the Iowa Jew who runs the South Dakota Republican party loves to mouth off about how horrible the Dems are in our state but has absolutely NOTHING to say about Butina’s involvement in the state party and some of it’s operatives?

Not a peep.

And then there’s this trade delegation organized by Democratic State Representative Michael Saba who apparently says it is going so well it may open other trade negotiations besides ag products.

Once again, not a word from Iowa . . . uh . . . I mean South Dakota Republicans.

UPDATE: I guess I’m an anti-semite because I called the leader of the SD GOP a Jew from Iowa. He is a Jew from Iowa. That’s not anti-semitism, that’s a FACT! My point has nothing to do with him being a Jew, my point has been all along that the Christian Right Wing Republican party in South Dakota, who constantly are telling us about their SOUTH DAKOTA VALUES and CHRISTIAN BELIEFS are ran by an IOWAN who is NOT CHRISTIAN.

They really struggle with the truth.

By l3wis

26 thoughts on “UPDATE: SD Republican Party’s Deafening Silence”
  1. Randy, I thought you would be more offended an Iowan is running the SD GOP? It has to to with SD Republicans constantly claiming to be a Primarily Christian Party. Do they know who killed Jesus? It wasn’t the Hindus.

  2. Republicans don’t love our country. They love money. Else, how could you explain the fact a GOP state chair has lobbied for a country (Saudi Arabia), which supplied most of the 9/11 hijackers, and is alleged to have killed an American journalist, too?… Not to mention also, how could you explain a Russian spy was invited to a SD TAR camp, with Dusty and Paul in attendance, unless money “trumps” patriotism?

    ( and Woodstock adds: “I had a “sparrow” in my nest once, but never again.”)

  3. are you sure the jews killed jesus? i’m sure if you ask most south dakotans, they will say it was illegal immigrants that killed jesus.

  4. Sleaze and crime is Dan’s business. He spent $50,000 to buy a seat in the legislature! Dan Lederman along with fellow Jewish-American Joel Arends teamed up with Islamophobe and whackjob of the nth order, Frank Gaffney, for an event in Sioux Falls. Lederman is a Zionist and a Jewish activist. That he chums around with Steve King says far more about Lederman than it does about King. $20 says SDGOP mob boss Lederman is on the phone every day offering money and bribes to every potential principled conservative candidate in South Dakota but it’s become abundantly clear Gordon Howie has no principles. Howie got $50,000 from the SDGOP to renounce third parties.

  5. don’t you think that Christians have probably forgiven the jew by now- or is forgiveness a concept you cannot grasp; lobbying Saudi Arabia- don’t forget all the money the Clintons have taken from them

  6. The sheer hypocrisy of Pat Powers who salts his blog comment section with aliases that torch Muslims should be a litmus test for all voters. Recall he sold advert space to Neal Tapio: an Islamophobe mulling a run for Congress.

  7. Let’s see if I got this right. SD Democrats are blatantly anti-Sementic, and will use every Jewish trope they can come up with to attack Republicans?

    With these SD Democrat values it’s no wonder you lose elections.

  8. Wear Pat Power’s criticism like a badge of honor. The guy literally got kicked out of a gov’t job for using his position to promote his business. He now gets paid to release propaganda and is a complete waste of space, a rather large space at that.

  9. You’ve used race in many or your blogs to point out peoples differences with ease. You would loose your shit if PittyPat used racial slurs and so would I.

    Again….You weren’t brought up this way. You need to consider how your daily influences are corrupting your morality.

  10. I tried to comment on Pats post mentioning how the chair of the SD GOP was a foreign agent and he deleted it. So much for Pat being for free speech. I guess he only wants that to apply to us professors.

  11. all of them rw nutjobs down in sioux city get there canned hunt at that same place where eraserhead & martina purina hunted at. glad to hear on 60 mins says she found God in jail cuz before she was going around telling people she was a white witch, whatever that is. Enjoy ur hunt, nutjobs.

  12. I hate that you’re making me agree with Pat Powers. I don’t think this is full on slur territory, but I don’t understand how this person’s religion is relevant. Ask yourself honestly if pointing out his religion adds anything to the story or is even related.

    Slur? No. Tasteless and perhaps a bit boorish? Absolutely.

  13. Yah, except by having Pat invite his friends to check out this post. He is also allowing his friends to learn about the SD GOP/Saudi connection and the Maria, Paul, and
    Dusty connection as well. 😉

    Pat has walked into an enlightenment paradox.

  14. Ok, after I took a few deep breaths, I have decided to respond in an appropriate manner.

    Does anyone read my posts thoroughly? Or just the headlines and than make assumptions? The Chair of the SD GOP is a Jew, that is a fact, that is his preference of religion. How is that a slur? People who practice Judism are known as Jews. Just like people who practice Islam are known as Muslims, and so forth. Still trying to comprehend how mentioning his religion was a slur or anti-semantic? Secondly, I pointed out his religion NOT to embarrass him or to ‘slur’ him, but because just like pointing out his residence of Iowa, it goes against what the SD tells us about how they are good Christians with SD Values, yet the party is ran by a Jew from Iowa. Nothing against Jews or Iowans, just pointing out the hypocrisy.

    I also found it a bit ironic that no one wanted to talk how a Democrat brought a trade delegation to our state while our CHRISTIAN Governor (now don’t get offended) is busy talking about how she still wants to kill hemp production in our state.

    I also find it ironic that the SD GOP, or one of it’s esteemed members had NO problem libeling Mike Saba when he first ran for the office by telling an Argus reporter he was a Muslim. Unlike my factual portrayal of the SD GOP Chair actually being a Jew and calling him a Jew, Saba, is NOT a muslim, he is a Christian. Once again, as I said in this post above, Republicans struggle with the truth, and that doesn’t matter if they are Christian or Jewish.

  15. One of the hallmarks of a true narcissist is being proud and unapologetic about being an asshole as if it’s a status symbol or a core part of their identity. 

Let us not forget the immortal words of the His Dudeness:

    “You’re not wrong Walter. You’re just an asshole.”

  16. So what was Butina’s involvment in our states Repub party?

    I watched the episode and concluded 1 very easy to see thing. She was lead to believe by multiple men in 2 different countries that she was important for sex. She was used and if it were not for the Russian hoax, she would still be used by a different man for another scam.

    1 last very important part that no one on CNN will say out loud…
    If the president is so well connected to Russia,Why would Russia be using this girl to get connected to the president?

    The most infuriating thing about debating you people is your arguments just don’t make sense!

  17. LJL, the feeling is mutual.

    As for the connection, Butina’s BF has been well connected to the SD GOP for years and heavily involved with TAR and College Republican groups throughout the state for years. You know, the guy she was screwing and singing Disney songs with.

    He is also being investigated for fraud.

    As I said in the title, the silence is deafening. When the SD GOP is faced with controversy like this, they deflect from the topic by trying to kill the messenger because I called a spade a spade.

  18. Muslim Ilhan Abdullahi Omar Married her Bother!

    That’s an example of a bigoted headline, you damn well know it is and you would the first to jump on top of whoever posted it.

    The mans faith has nothing to do with the facts you’re stating within the post. What does him being Jewish have to do with he being a republican other than your bigoted viewpoint?

    Digging in your heals and proclaiming your not wrong is the wrong way to go on this and you look a bit like Trump with the inability to say you made a mistake!

    Being a liberal democrat does not make you immune to being an actual bigot or a raging asshole.

  19. What I said was true (unlike your headline) AND it is not bigoted to call someone who is Jewish a Jew. Am I missing something here? I also haven’t been a Democrat for a very, very, long time. So who is lying and slurring here? Not me. But keep trying, I’m enjoying this.

  20. I am a South Dakota Christian. Have I just offended myself, but I don’t know it?

    ( – and Woodstock adds: “I know the GOP has given up on “free trade,” but are they PC now instead?”)

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