The story Stormland-TV did about Kristi giving her daughter a $20K a year raise in less then two years shouldn’t surprise anyone. Noem’s family has gotten millions in farm subsidies for years, and who can forget the tax payers of Sioux Falls providing $20K in security as an in kind gift to her campaign’s private fundraiser with our ‘Hoax’ of a president. Maybe Kennedy Noem is going to donate her raise to the city of Sioux Falls 🙂

I did chuckle a little at this graphic though. (BTW-when you are pointing out nefarious activities by elected officials, probably best not to use their Glamor Shots photo) The first thing I thought was, ‘Kennedy may be making half of what Paul makes, but probably shows up to work twice as much as he does.’ I still find it a little strange that a guy pushing for 5G technology doesn’t know how to use a phone to communicate instead of flying everywhere – oh – unless he is trying to chastise female political opponents, then he is Chatty Cathy.

By l3wis

17 thoughts on “Kristi ‘Donita’ Trump Noem’s family has been welfare queens for years”
  1. Nelson was the only one to sponsor that nepotism bill. Why didn’t Dems join in? Because they didn’t want to associate with Nelson? Dems should have authored that bill. Why didn’t they?…. #DemocratsNeedToBeDemocrats

  2. If drug dealers bring their family into the business, why not politicians. It’s a criminal thing. Besides, ‘Mean Girls’ need money for the mall.

  3. This is just one more reason why Trump is so bad for the country. And of coarse if he can have his sick family work for him, why not other’s? What the hell ever happened to “conflict of interest” oh well, let’s just go play video games down in the basement until somebody else fixes all these problems……….

  4. “Why didn’t they?”
    The ‘Democrats Who are Republicans’ were opposed to Nelson’s bill. Likely also were the ‘Democrats Who ARE Democrats’.
    omnes eodem
    They are all the same.

  5. “They’re co-opted, that’s why. They like Republicans and their stuff on social media. They attend Republican senate candidacy announcements. They take money from Republicans as candidates, run with Republicans on published and mailed postcards, and give out money to Republicans under one of their PACs…. Oh, and they also raised the sales tax with the Republicans, but to no honest avail. The Democratic Party has merely become a political mechanism in this state used by wandering moderate Republicans and Democrats who either suffer an inferiority complex, or just want to be a big fish in a small pond…. No wonder one of Billies slogans in 2018 actually said: ‘Qualifications First: Party Politics Belong In The Backseat.'”

  6. JD,
    Rounds and Daugaard with their separate practices of nepotism predated anything Trump.
    Can’t blame DJT for the precedent of nepotism in this state.

  7. “‘Rounds and Daugaard?'”…..”What about ‘Wild Bill’s’ brother running Syland Lake Lodge back in the day?”…

  8. Politicians pay taxes that corrupt developers use to build parking ramps. Relatives are paid so they don’t go on unemployment embarrassing the politician. Also, because they spend toward the states prominent economy of meth and cocaine.

  9. “Woodstock”,
    I supected that Will Bill would have engaged in something like that. After all, Rounds was not innovative such that he would have introduced nepotism to Pierre.
    I’m certain that you might agree that mere nepotism would be among the least egregious of picadillos attributed to Janklow over his lifetime.

  10. Guerns
    I know Trump didn’t invent nepotism as well as any of these past politicians. I knew a guy that cleaned some of the rest stops along I-90 a job that wild bill gave him. Now this guy was by trade an electrician. You know that electricians don’t get paid peanut butter sandwiches. Now granted he was not a family member, just a friend. When I asked him what he makes doing this, his reply was “you don’t want to know it would upset you”. My reply to him was no, it would upset me as to how much you make it upsets me that you don’t need the money and that there is somebody that does.

  11. “I’m certain that you might agree that mere nepotism would be among the least egregious of picadillos attributed to Janklow over his lifetime.”

    It’s like Trump. There was so much, that sadly the public became indifferent to it over time.

  12. Wild Bill certainly had a prescience for land acquisition. I’ll be damned if there weren’t eventually interstate highway exchanges built near some of them. Perfect example that a blind sow will find the occasional acorn.

  13. DS,

    About twenty years ago, Daschle use to sponsor young leadership meetings in the Hills, where he was looking for the next generation of “Democratic” leaders. Noem attended one of those gatherings.


    I am not sure, but I know that Mundt was accused of that once. He owned land near where I-229 was placed just south of East 10th Street, if my memory serves me right. McGovern did try to make it an issue in the 1960 Senate race, too.

  14. “VSG”,
    But how could McGovern be certain that this wasn’t the act of Mrs Mundt, accomplished during the incapacitation of Senator Mundt? Was she not a “take charge-type” of lady?

    As for the alleged prescient land acquisition by Janklow: Since the Mundts and other Republicans of the mid-20th century had things pretty much tied up at the E 10th St exchange, opportunists in the later portion of the century were forced to look north along the roadway (hint: Benson Rd).
    The property was in the news on a couple of occasions in the early part of this century, most recently an opinion piece by David Kranz after the time of the sale (by proxy) from Janklow ownership in 2005.
    Took me a hell of a long time to confirm my recollection about this; ain’t the internet great!).

  15. Oh, the “internets” are great. But Mrs. Mundt didn’t help out until ’69, when Karl had a stroke. She was a lot like Edith Wilson: “Uh, sign her honey…”

    As far as that other Republican, my favorite one was the video lottery thing, where only the whistleblower ended up in court.

    I also noticed that you mentioned ‘2005.’ It was amazing how after south of Flandreau 2003, that the media became more confident in their honest coverage of “Wild Bill,” but not until then.

    Hemmingsen during the video lottery controversy in November of ’94, was the only reporter who ever showed any guts during the entire “Wild Bill” reign.

    ( and Woodstock adds: “‘only the whistleblower?'”…..”Oh no, are all of you thinking what I am thinking?”….)

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