UPDATE II: Here is an updated Jensen donor list with references to the businesses/employment the donors are associated with.

This is even better where it breaks down it down into donor groups.

Besides the fact that Alex has gotten $10,000 from Dennis Dopey our former governor, he also raked in big contributions from local developers and banksters in town. READ FULL REPORT.

Less than 7% was small donations of $100 or less.

But one of the most interesting contributions came from a list of 3 LLC’s ran by this guy, Kevin Tupy. They all have the same PO box address at the UPS store. I always get a kick out of how people try to hide their identity when giving to political campaigns or wiggling around the rules. If Tupy gave individually he would have only been able to give $1,000 but this little trick was able to put his contribution up to $2,500 while hiding his identity. Notice he did NOT give an individual donation.

Even more interesting is that Mr. TenHaken’s PAC did not give any money to Jensen. No worries, I’m sure he will be plugging money into it the second round of fundraising because that report won’t come out until right before the election.

Even though Jensen has raised a lot of money, I’m curious when he will actually be campaigning? Even if Stehly does not run (I think she will) wouldn’t you want to be campaigning in case you have another challenger? I have heard NOTHING about his stances on the issues. Does he have any? People have told me he knows little about city government and will get mopped by Stehly in any forum or debate.

I still believe Stehly can beat Jensen by at least 6 points without spending a single penny. And if she does, there is going to be a lot of sore LLCs and PACs in town 🙂

UPDATE: I also find it interesting that $18,000 in donations came from out of Sioux Falls ($10K-Daugaard, $8K from other towns). Mostly from High Profile Republicans and PACS, this tells me they are making this race partisan. While I did see a ‘couple’ of the donors are indies or Dems, that I know of, this is about getting an ‘establishment’ Republican elected. Stehly, though a Republican, has always performed her roll non-partisan (because, that is what the seat is). I think there are people in the party who want to kick her out, but I also know there are many that like her.

There was a recent Argus article/survey it asked people to identify local politicians, media, celebrities, etc. Theresa was on the survey, she got 44% of people being able to recognize her. Christine Erickson was on the survey to, she got 26%. Would have been interesting to see Jensen and Huether on the list.

SF Councilor Theresa Stehly 44%

Governor Kristi Noem 90%

Sen. John Thune 85%

Sen. Mike Rounds 83%

Rep. Dusty Johnson 80%

Mayor Paul TenHaken 75%

Councilor Christine Erickson 26%

SFSB President Cynthia Mickelson 21%

Lt. Governor Larry Rhoden 15%

I told a friend last night that if Stehly decides to run, the best move by Alex would be to drop out, send the donations back and save himself the embarrassment.

By l3wis

17 thoughts on “UPDATE II: Mysterious LLCs donate $2,500 to Jensen’s campaign”
  1. Oh .. I donated individually too! And the LLC’, have a post office box because we move are offices annually. Get your facts straight bro! #fakenews

  2. More election fraud. What’s new? What’s never surprising is they’re so blatant and obvious.

  3. He’s been campaigning via Premier Bank commercials… #TheCorporateKid

  4. Kevin, you are not listed as a donor so it must have been under $100, or the treasurer made a mistake. I may be able to predict some things, but I don’t have a crystal ball, and unless your name is listed, I have no idea if you donated or not. But everything else WAS true, you have multiple LLCs with PO boxes.

    “because we move are offices annually”

    Oh, and that doesn’t sound shady. Stay Classy, and maybe next time you can give $101 so we can get you on that nice list with the other banksters, you know, the guys with ‘real’ home addresses.

  5. “#fakenews?”…..”That means two things: He’s a taupster and a Trumpster at that”…. “And when is a person whose roads have been properly sanded, salted, and plowed going to donate to the Jensen campaign?”…..

  6. “‘because we move are offices annually?'”….. “Isn’t that what Saddam used to do?”…… “It must be a Dutch Mafia trick, too, huh?”….

  7. Shouldn’t these Premier commercials with Jensen in them be seen as a corporate contribution to his campaign? They started running after his candidacy announcement. How much did it cost to product them and air them? And, have they gone over the corporate contribution limits in so doing?

  8. Theresa isn’t nearly as popular as you think. If she runs, she’ll get creamed.

  9. Oh, and I think you would call them “in-kind” corporate contributions, would you not?

  10. Kevin Tupy: “…because we move ARE (sic) offices annually…” Nice English. Together with your Trekkie t-shirt and numerous arm tats, you give the impression of a real classy rich guy. Larry Flynt, Martin Shkreli, Billy McFarland & Chuck Brennan churned a lot of money, too, but nobody holds them up as men of virtue. You should be smart enough to keep a lower profile (Mr. CarSwap) than by making political donations. The public isn’t interested in Shylocks like you so blatantly buying influence and favors.

  11. How was Dennis able to donate 10k?

    And Woodstock, what is it with you bring President Trump into every topic? *eye roll*

    Lewis, I agree that moving offices every yr seems very shady. Also one of the business is listed on manta.com with one name with web url of different business you own which list partners… one being Verizon who is part of the deal with the 5 towers.

  12. “‘name in quotes for no reason,'” is that you, “Unstable Genius?”

    But the Bunker Ramp is by far the most unpopular and anyone associated with it will go down with that ship…. Cement generally doesn’t float for long.

  13. Erica,

    Because he is the greatest threat to democratic values since the formation of the Axis Powers in the 1930s…. *Danish roll*

  14. Kevin tupy I’m glad you donating all this money to mr Alex jensen. Have you donating money within the community to good causes . Theresa will win next election she has a track record. Doesnt matter how much money is raised against Theresa. What’s said is you and alex and all the other supporters of alex is all about the rich yourselves and development. Theresa is for everyone .

  15. I wonder what the results would have been if we were not all “On It.?” Because I couldn’t help but notice are meth queen outnumbered everyone else.

  16. I’m glad there were no grudznicks on the list. I am confused as to why the big fella who has lost his powers in the legislatures, the big fella from Rapid City, Mr. Partridge, is throwing his last few shillings into this Mr. Jensen, unless Mr. Partridge is moving to the big city and needs a job.

  17. Am curious if donation from Councilor Erickson is all hers or if the RS5 each chipped in $40.00??

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