I can’t count the number of times I fell over laughing while listening to this conversation between councilor Erickson and Belfrage on his show this morning. They have a very jaded viewed of what is right and what is wrong. One of the better moments is when Erickson continues to talk about the ‘Freedom of the Press’. She knows that SF Biz is a for profit website that charges businesses and organizations to post articles. Hardly the ‘Free Press’. It’s no different than a paid advertisement from a political candidate. Which brings us to the number two problem, tax money was being used to promote a candidate. Sure, his name was only mentioned once, but it was mentioned, and it doesn’t matter if the article had 1,023 words (Erickson admits in the interview she counted them) or if it is a novel. A taxpayer funded entity PAID for an article that promotes a political candidate. All the fluff and puff in between is laughable.

I may load this interview on my I-Pod so when I am having a bad day I can have a good laugh about how ignorant these two are about freedom of speech.

8 Thoughts on “‘Total Fabrication’ Sioux Falls City Councilor Erickson and Belfrage have a twisted view of the 1st Amendment

  1. I heard that this morning and couldn’t believe what I was hearing. The way the radio host kissed the butt of the councilor was cringe-worthy at best. Greg loses a ton of credibility when he does these type of softball/butt kissing interviews. “Oh I admire you so much” and “you are so courageous Christine”. Really? I am already not a fan of how talks about Teresa Stehly on the radio. Honestly, I think I will find a new radio show for my morning commute.

  2. LOL. I was surprised he was audible with his head so far up her arse.

  3. D@ily Spin on January 10, 2020 at 8:52 pm said:

    And we could have had Scarlet Johansen as a councilor. Maybe not better but more practical and certainly beautiful. Councilors are good entertainment but more thought and less brain freeze.

  4. belfrege knows if he ever lost that gig, he’d be working at walmart.

  5. I’m not sure if Walmart would even lower their standards that much.

  6. Warren Phear on January 11, 2020 at 1:20 pm said:

    I find it extremely rich that cristine can talk freedom of speech to a guy who regularly blocks commenters on his facebook page.

  7. Plausible Deniability on January 11, 2020 at 6:49 pm said:

    Jon: I applaud your consideration to defect to another morning drive-time radio show. However, do so with the somber realization your move will leave HS grad Barfrag’s 2 other remaining listeners…very lonely hold-outs.

  8. anonymous on January 12, 2020 at 9:56 am said:

    A continuation of Councilor Erickson’s grandstanding (to play or act so as to impress onlookers) which her constituents are subjected to at every city council meeting.

    Matt Paulson as Victim

    I don’t think so.

    Matt Paulson as Community Leader

    I don’t think so.

    A guy with a distorted perception of himself.

    I think so.

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