The Plaintiff and I had lunch yesterday (he is the commenter on this site that has the due process lawsuit against the city). We were talking about Munson, and I said I find it interesting that he didn’t really answer the question on Sunday on KELO about his retirement or future after his term is up.

Plaintiff suggested he will get some kind of Golden Parachute job. Which is likely. Even though former city planner, Steve Metli, retired from the city with a hefty package I see he works for a bank now, and there is hardly a time I don’t see him either eating or drinking with developer Craig Lloyd in public. I think they are attached at the hip.

I suspect that Munson may become some kind of inner state lobbyist.

What do the rest of you think? Golden Parachute or Retirement?

By l3wis

2 thoughts on “Munson’s Golden Parachute?”
  1. He has only one option….the golden parachute job, because he needs something that will allow him to bring his $107,000 a year secretary along for the ride (pardon the pun).

  2. She’ll be packed and gone the day after he leaves office. This job was stepping stone for her in media or lobbying.

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