This is pretty cool that you can watch this movie for FREE. It came out on April 21.

By l3wis

7 thoughts on “Michael Moore Presents: Planet of the Humans | Full Documentary | Directed by Jeff Gibbs”
  1. The Green New Deal exposed as nothing more than a covert redistribution via a virtue signal.

  2. The obvious answer are incremental pandemics tied to shelter-in-place orders with government checks to sustain an infinite future for us due to thus a lessened carbon footprint; and this should also work as long as our monetary policy is not backed-up by something akin to natural gas.

  3. No mention of the corona virus. It’s actually somewhat beneficial. With a slow economy there’s better air quality, a cleaner environment, and slow manufacturing. Watching the billionaires lose wealth is entertaining. There’s no oil demand. Oil at ports is negative value. They must pay storage to take it. It’s morbid but the virus is killing off drug addicts and the homeless. Drug cartels are hurting. Food production is slowing but it’s mostly meat. Cruel conditions (animal and human) are disappearing. Food born illness is less. Isn’t the pandemic a correction for world population and human behavior?

    Must be the aliens!!! Probably not. They wouldn’t want to live on earth with this environment.

  4. An interesting fact: Few with Type O blood get COVID19. In the US, 47% of African Americans and 53% of Hispanics are Type O. Caucasian and Asian are about 30% each.

  5. Information was in the media and you can google it. How few is not specific. I’m assuming that many who recover are type O because their plasma resists.
    For type O and those immune because they recovered, couldn’t they work as care workers or staff to open up the economy? How about open the southern border to literate type O Hispanics? They’d pay 40% income tax most of which would be devoted to virus healthcare and research. After 3 years, they could become full price legs citizens.

  6. Privilege not price legs. Darn spell check.
    I’ve presented this idea. Certainly, it needs revision. We need workers. It’s time to open up the border some. If the US takes the best and brightest, Mexico will build the wall for Trump.

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